When Will the Next Flight of Afghan Refugees Arrive? Will the Government Lift the Private Sponsorship Cap?

On December 1, 2021 Senator Omidvar asked Senator Gold, the Government Representative in the Senate, when can we expect the next flight of Afghan refugees to arrive in Canada. She also asked if the government will lift the cap on privately sponsored Afghan refugees, as it did during the Syrian refugee crisis.

Hon. Ratna Omidvar: Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, I have been persistent in my questions to you about the Afghanistan file, and I have been persistently critical of the government’s handling of the situation. But I’m a fair person, and fair is fair. I was delighted to learn about the chartered flight last week and the arrival of 250 Afghan refugees. Of course, I was doubly delighted to learn that they would be resettled in Canada with the help of private sponsors.

Behind the headlines, I can see that many public servants likely worked around the clock night and day to make this happen. My commendations to them, the government and our public servants.

So you can expect what my question is: When can we expect the next flight to arrive?

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for your question and your comments. Thank you to all in the private sector who have facilitated or helped with the arrival of this first plane.

I also appreciate having been given some notice of this question, which allowed me to make inquiries. Alas, I have not yet received an answer. When I do hear back, I will be happy to report.

Senator Omidvar: Senator Gold, yesterday we heard from Senator Simons about private sponsors being ready, willing, able, on standby and waiting for refugees to arrive. The issue is the caps on privately sponsored refugees that are put on by the government. In the last Syrian refugee crisis, the government lifted that cap.

Will the government also allow these caps to be lifted this time around? People are on standby and refugees are in need of help. It seems to be a simple, magical solution. Over to you, Senator Gold.

Senator Gold: Honourable senator, it is an important question. I will certainly add this to the inquiry I’ve already made. I will try to get an answer as quickly as I can.