Protection for Survival Migrants – Policy Tweaks for Outsize Impact

Last year, twenty-four people fled their homes every minute. More people are now displaced outside their home than at any other time since UNHCR records began; these mass movements will only continue as conflict, disaster, extreme poverty, and other hardships force people to seek safety and opportunity. Unfortunately, most recent policy solutions have been ad hoc and based in fear. Can we do better? CGD and co-host ODI recently convened a panel of experts to discuss the economics and politics of this crucial question. CGD Senior Fellow Michael Clemens was joined by Ratna Omidvar, a member of Canada’s Upper House of Parliament, ODI Managing Director Marta Foresti, and Talent Beyond Boundaries Executive Director Sayre Nyce to share a number of policy innovations with the potential to create shared value for survival migrants and destination countries alike.

Read the full article on the Center for Global Development’s website.